02 - 06 - 2020 LQ: What facial features make our identity unique?

02 - 06 - 2020LQ: What facial features make our identity unique? Criteria A & B

What level did you choose to challenge yourself with today? Did you successfully achieve that level? What gradewould you award yourself and why? Which color of star did you achieve and whyLook back on your success criteria.
 - From this drawing I would give myself a 5. The reason of this is because I feel I could have done better with the white part in the eye, and pronounced the lashes and eyebrows I would rate this piece a red star. Looking back on my criteria I would give myself this grade because I think in the future if I practice drawing an eye I can get better, and move from a good standard to a high standard

Have you followed the tutorial process? Have you listened and observed each steps successfully? How?
- I followed the the steps given in the powerpoint to a limit. At some points I knew what to do, for example when initially drawing the ship of the eye and the circle inside. When adding details and hard techniques like the eyebrow/ lash hair I used the powerpoint as a guide.

Is there lots of detail in your eye drawing? Where?
I think that there is detail in my drawing, but not a lot, mainly by the pupil and iris. 

What shading techniques did you apply to your outcome? Name and describe how you created them. What EoA and PoD are present?
- I only used one technique, which was the pencil and finger on the inner corner of the eye. I also used different methods to create a hair like texture on the eyebrow, eye ball, and eyelashes. The EoD and PoD present are on the inner eye.
problems did you encounter? How did you overcome them? What could you do to improve your drawing outcome? What would you do differently and why?
One of the problems that I encountered would be when drawing the shape of the eye I had to keep on erasing and perfecting, as the shape wasn't perfect. Another problem I encountered was when I was drawing the eyelash and I made a mistake, I had to erase the top of the 'eye' and it was getting very messy. In the future I will practice before doing the final result. 


  1. great job shakira - good shape, detail and shadin g- you have even achieved a highligh to your eye (highlight is when the light is hitting the surface)
    this is great work grade 6


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