
Showing posts from June, 2020

Elements and Principles




James Bond Theme

James Bond Theme LQ: how do themes work in music? IWBAT: - analyse the theme of james bond  - play the theme of james bond with my right hand - play the right hand and left hand together  LISTENING TASK: what instruments can you hear? -french horn -drums - celo - electric guitar - trombone - snare drum - bongo drum - violin - double basses -piano/keyboard  - viola - woodwinds (flute) put the instruments in families of instruments, e.g brass/ strings  what is the tune signature 

Shania Portrait

Portraiture staged

              Original Portrait  Your Recreation         Artists Name: Piet Mondrian Name of the portrait: Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow Fun Fact: The contrasting horizontal and vertical lines represent to Mondrian an active relationship in which he intended to mimic the rhythm and vibrations of life that transcends symbolic knowledge.

02 - 06 - 2020 LQ: What facial features make our identity unique?

02 - 06 - 2020LQ: What facial features make our identity unique? Criteria A & B What  level  did you choose to challenge yourself with today? Did you successfully achieve that level? What  grade would you award yourself and  why ? Which color of star did you achieve and  why ?  Look back on your success criteria .  - From this drawing I would give myself a 5. The reason of this is because I feel I could have done better with the white part in the eye, and pronounced the lashes and eyebrows I would rate this piece a red star. Looking back on my criteria I would give myself this grade because I think in the future if I practice drawing an eye I can get better, and move from a good standard to a  high standard Have you followed the tutorial process? Have you  listened  and  observed  each steps successfully?  How? - I followed the the steps given in the powerpoint to a limit. At some points I knew what to do, for example when initially drawing the  ship of the eye and