Week 6 - Exploring Artistic Intention

Exploring Artistic Intention 
Week 6 - 08/10/2019

2 facts about my topic :
1. An extra year of education can help a girl earn 15-25% more as an adult.
2. Educated mothers are more than twice as likely to send their children to school.
- this lesson we worked on our performance and chose the topic that we were going to base our performance on, we also use this lesson to research about it and produced a script as a group 

Exploring Artistic Intention 
Week 6 - 09/10/2019

L.Q: How can I embed (included) factual information into Theatre In Education Piece to make it engaging to my audience?

- this lesson we applied the things that we learnt in the previous lesson into our scripts and performance and began to rehearse and develop our ideas 


  1. How did you address the learning question.
    Reflection/response needed.

  2. ok, thank you for the feedback Ms. Rhooms


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