
Showing posts from September, 2019

Week 5 - Exploring Artistic Intention

Exploring Artistic Intention  Week 4 - 01/10/2019  L.Q: How can I develop my artistic intention? The idea that my group came up with is women empowerment . we discussed about my problems women face . we created a scene where there is 2 men and 2 women, the men lounge about and the women clean up the house. the drama techniques that we used in our scene was still image. Exploring Artistic Intention  Week 4 - 02/10/2019 we used collaboration in our performance yesterday by discussing our ideas and came up together with a plan/ play to act out 

Criterion C


Explorative Strategies

                                                               This images is a example of Hot seating                                         Hot seating is when you take the role of another character. As you can see                                    in this image we are all a big happy family and in the second picture everyone                                                                                  is miserable This image is a example of Role Play  As you can see there is skit that shows the people as a 2 parents and a kid . As they come to the park the child gets scared or a giant statue. This skit shows an example of Role play This video is a example of Narration  As you can see there is a video of people doing actions as 1 person thats is not shown in the screen is saying what is happening backstage This image is a example of Still image  As you can see there is a still image that shows what is happening where each  character has d

Theatre In Education



A group of 13 street artists called German Crew was invited by the authorities of Palmitas city to paint the walls of dirty gray houses. The guys had to work with a “canvas” of 20,000 sq. m. The whole process took the artists about 5 months, but the result was worth it. 209 houses, where 1,808 people live, were painted all the colors of the rainbow. The residents perceived this transformation very positively. But most importantly, the bright colors helped reduce the level of crime in the city. The indicator approached practically zero. This artists motivated change because they made their community more postiive and bright  and stopped many people from suicide

Student Progress Tracker
